Christmas Fayres make £1300 in a day!

Friday 2nd December 2016 was a very busy day in the life of our benefice!
In the town of Loftus, the people of Saint Leonard’s Parish Church hosted their Annual Christmas Fayre in the Town Hall; while in Carlin How village, Saint Helen’s Parish Church provided an excellent stall at the Whitecliffe Primary Academy Christmas Extravaganza!
Both events were exceptionally well attended and in Loftus Father Christmas even found the time to make an appearance to see the children of the parish!
A big thank you to everyone who organised and contributed to these traditional pre-Christmas community events. A great time was had by all and, the events made just over £1300 for our benefice funds! In total the Loftus Christmas Fayre made a clear profit of £1220.77 while the Saint Helen’s Church Stall at the Whitecliffe Academy Christmas Extravaganza made an £81 profit.
An excellent effort all round and a great day for our benefice and for our wider community!