Handale and Whitecliffe Schools visit Church to Celebrate Easter 2017

On the afternoon of Thursday 6th April 2017 the students and staff of Whitecliffe Primary Academy in Carlin How visited saint Helen’s Parish Church for their Easter Assembly; then, on Friday 7th April 2017 pupils and staff from Handale Primary School in Loftus visited Saint Leonard’s Church for their Annual Easter Service.
At both services the students read about the events of Holy week and Easter and of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Both school choirs led the singing and pupils also presented items associated with Holy Week and Easter to the congregation.
Father Adam said, “It has been wonderful to once again welcome the students of Handale and Whitecliffe Primary Schools to Church ahead of our Easter celebrations. This year’s Easter Assemblies were the best yet! I wish all the students and their families a very safe and happy Easter holiday.”
Please note: this photograph is used with the express permission of Handale Primary School.