Loftus Parish Singers, Organist & Friends Sing in Canterbury Cathedral!
On Saturday 14th October 2017 a group of Loftus Parish Choristers, our Organist & Director of Music Mr Richard Bendelow, and a number of supporters and friends from Teesside, joined with other church choirs from across the nation to sing in Canterbury Cathedral!
This special service was in honour of the Royal School of Church Music’s Annual Celebration Day, during which a number of great pieces of church music were sung, as well as achievements acknowledged and awards made.
This year our own Organist and Director of Music MrRichard Bendelow formally became an Associate of the Royal School of Church Music!
Father Adam Gaunt, Rector of Loftus said, “I am so pleased that a number of our choristers and people were able to attend this amazing event in Canterbury Cathedral! The experience for our choristers of singing in no less a venue that Canterbury Cathedral will be one that they will never forget! I am so pleased that Loftus Parish was represented on this national liturgical stage and that we were able to fly the flag for Cleveland! Well done and congratulations to Richard Bendelow on his award from the Royal School of Church Music.”
Places are still available in Saint Leonard’s Parish Church Choir in Loftus for any children aged seven years or above. Anyone who may be interested in joining the Loftus Church Choir should contact Father Adam Gaunt or Mr Richard Bendelow, or you can simply attend one of our Sunday morning services (which begin at 10:30am) and introduce yourself to a member of our parish family.