New Churchwardens for St Leonard’s

At the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, which took place after Sunday Mass on Sunday 6th April 2014, Jeanne Parncutt and Cynthia Sakelaropoulos were elected as Churchwardens for the Parish of St Leonard Loftus-in-Cleveland.
Alongside the election of New Churchwardens, the APCM also elected two representatives to the Guisborough Deanery Synod, Keith Mellor and Cynthia Sakelaropoulos, who will serve on the Deanery Synod for the next three years. The APCM also elected nine further members to the Parochial Church Council (PCC).
The Rector said, “I am delighted that our parish has elected two Churchwardens, two Deanery Synod Representatives and a full cohort of nine Parochial Church Councillors. I very much look forward to working with this new team of people during the year ahead.”