COVID Update – Thursday 10th September 2020


GOOD NEWS! Her Majesty’s Government has confirmed that our Churches (and all other Places of Worship) can continue to remain open and that congregations are not limited to the new “rule of six”.

Consequently thirty people can continue to gather for Christenings, Weddings, and Funeral Services; and our new pattern of regular worship can continue, including with our excellent church choir!

These exemptions are for two very good reasons.

  1. Firstly, our worship of Almighty God is not just a social activity, but is our Christian Duty.
  2. Secondly, our church buildings are now “Covid Safe”.

Here at Loftus Parish we continue to follow the official guidance and keep our two beautiful buildings as clean and as safe as possible for everyone.

Thank you for your support as we continue to worship together and to do everything we can to stay safe.

With every blessing,

Father Adam.